Research projects
- GA17-10026S Drought events in the Czech Republic and their causes (2017-2019)
- GA15-11805S Windstorms in the Czech Lands during the past 500 years (2015-2017)
- GA13-04291S Spring-summer hydroclimate reconstruction of the past millennium for the Czech Republic using oak standard chronology (2013-2017)
- EHP-CZ02-OV-1-014-2014 CzechAdapt – System for Exchange of Information on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Measures on the Territory of the Czech Republic (2015-2016)
- GA13-19831S Hydrometeorological extremes in Southern Moravia derived from documentary evidence (2013-2016)
- GAP209/11/0956 Global and regional climate model simulations focusing on Central Europe in the 18th–20th centuries in comparison to observed and reconstructed climate (2011-2015)
- CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0248 Building interdisciplinary team for drought research - InterDrought (2012-07/2015)
- GAP209/10/0309 Effect of historical climatic and hydrometeorological extremes on slope and fluvial processes in the Western Beskydy Mts. and their forefield (2010-2013)
- GAP209/10/0605 Climate fluctuations in the Czech Republic during the instrumental period based on homogeneous secular series (2010-2012)
- GA205/09/1297 Multilevel analysis of the urban and suburban climate taking medium-sized towns as an example (2009-2012)
- GP205/09/P472 Hydrometeorological extremes in southern Moravia in the 17th - 20th centuries based on documentary evidence of economic character (2009-2011)
- IAAX00130801 Interplay of climate, human impact, and land erosion recorded in the natural archives of Strážnické Pomoraví (Czech Republic) (2008-2011)
- MSM0021622412 Interactions among the chemicals, environment and biological systems and their consequences on global, regional and local scales (INCHEMBIOL) (2005-2011)
- GA521/08/1682 Effect of climate variability and meteorological extremes on the production of selected crops between 1801 and 2007 (2008-2010)
- 017008-2 European climate of the last millenium (Millennium) - 6th framework programme (2006-2009)
- GA205/05/0858 Temporal and spatial variability of climate of the according to visual daily weather records and early instrumental measurements (2005-2007)
- GA205/03/0211 Geography of selected natural extremes, their impacts and cartographic visualization in Moravia and Silesia (2003-2005)
- GA205/03/Z016 Historical and recent floods in the Czech Republic: causes, seasonality, trends, impacts (2003)
- GA205/01/1067 Meteorological extremes and their impacts in the Czech Lands since the 16th Century (2001-2003)
- GA205/98/1542 Reconstruction of the climate of the Czech Lands during the last millennium (1998-2000)
- GA205/96/0527 Climate patterns of the Mt. Milešovka observatory (1996-1997)
- GA205/95/0509 Variability of the climate of the Czech Lands in the period of 1500-1900 in relation to the regional scenario of climatic change (1995-1997)